On a daily basis we admit and effectively treat patients that:
Would prefer to avoid surgery or have already been unsuccessfully subjected to one or more operations.
Are suffering from undiagnosed pain and have been struggling for years with repeated medical examinations and treatments to no avail.
Are suffering from neurological, degenerative, autoimmune diseases and even if they have been on medication for that disease, they are continuously having serious complaints.
Are suffering from functional pain syndromes and being ignorant of that fact they have visited doctors of various specialties (gynecology, urology, ENT, dental, etc.) and have unsuccessfully undergone several surgeries or medications.
Are young people with problems either due to the nature of their work – use of computers, athletes, professional drivers, musicians, etc – or from various sports activities or accidents.
Are middle-aged people with problems at the lower back, knees, shoulders and other parts of the body, resulting from their model of life, accidents or systemic diseases.
Are elderly people experiencing pain from their aging body.
Read more about the conditions that we treat.