

Starting as early as the very first appointment, we put great effort and attention to help our patients integrate all the required changes in their every day life in order to further maintain a healthy status. We find no meaning in fixing a medical problem without also providing a roadmap regarding the life patterns and daily activities of the person. In the case that patterns and habits remain unaltered, it is most probably that they will lead the patient to experience the same or similar condition again in the future. To put it in another way, if the same conditions and habits prevail again in the patient’s life, it is very logical to expect for the same problems to re-emerge, and it is our aim not to let this happen.

Due to this very fact, we are committed in putting great emphasis in what constitutes the patients’ everyday life, what are their habits, and how we can integrate ways into their daily functions that will further assist them to remain healthy for a long period of time after the completion of our treatment sessions. The consultations and suggestions that someone may expect to get from us are very diverse in nature. To just name some examples, we focus on the dietary habits, food supplements and vitamins, what constitutes their daily mobility and exercise, what manner they approach other health issues, and many more details that synthesize their daily life.