The benefits from the use of ultrasound imaging in the application of minimal invasive techniques that are applied in our Pain Clinic are immense compared to the application of the same treatments without ultrasound assistance.
The musculoskeletal ultrasound assists both the diagnostic process in order to locate the damage, and during the treatment by increasing the accuracy of the injections on the damaged location, thus, making the treatment much more comfortable for the patient.
In particular, the use of musculoskeletal ultrasound enables us:
To pinpoint the damaged location by having complete and detailed imaging of the components of the musculoskeletal system such as: skin, muscles, fascia, subcutaneous tissue, bone cortex, periosteum, tendons, ligaments, joints, peripheral nerves, bursae and blood vessels.

PAIN CLINIC Athena Mavromati
To precisely guide the needle into the human body and accurately apply the injections into the damaged location.
To avoid obstacles such as bones and blood vessels while guiding the needle to the damaged location.
To identify dynamic problems that only occur while the joint is in motion by simultaneously having real time ultrasound imaging of the affected area.
To interact with the patient during the examination or treatment, thus, resulting in the identification of damaged locations with even greater accuracy. Communicating the levels of pain during the treatment, the patient helps the physician to direct the ultrasound scanning to the damaged locations.
To confirm, crosscheck and complement the findings from previous radiological examinations (radiographs, CT or MRI) of the patient.
To compare the condition of tissues and components of the musculoskeletal system of the patient before the initiation of the treatments with the same structures as they heal during the implementation of the treatment plan. In this way we are able to monitor the progress of the patient according to objective criteria and further optimize the treatment.
Not to affect the health of our patients because ultrasound does not emit hazardous radiation and has no known contraindications.
To apply our methods to patients having metal implants, pacemakers or suffering from claustrophobia.