14th World congress on pain

IASP 14th world congress on pain

From the 26th to the 31st of August 2012 we attended the 14th World Conference on Pain that was organized by IASP and hosted at the Milano Convention Center. The workings of the conference included refresher courses, plenary sessions, special lectures, topical workshops, poster sessions, satellite symposia, and exhibition with the participation of companies and organizations that are related to the field. The topics covered a very wide range of the scientific spectrum. In particular, great attention was given to: the individualization of treatment with the use of genetic technologies and brain imaging, the integrated treatments of a variety of conditions, further investigation of the pain mechanisms, the advancements in pharmacology, psychology, as well as the results of clinical and laboratory research. The main goal of IASP remains the bridging of the chasm between the laboratory research and clinical applications.

